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Web ufficiale della Chiesa Cattolica Pietro e Paolo di Antiochia (Turchia)


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Vicariato Ap. Anatolia

Frati Cappuccini

Don Andrea Santoro

Finestra Medio Oriente

Messagero Cappuccino

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  17.00 (Inverno)
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Messa feriale: 08.30

Preghiera serale: 18.30

web: Simone Matteoli


01 Novembre 2019


7 November. Conclusion of the two-day meeting of pastoral workers of the Vicariate of Anatolia under the presidency of the bishop Mons Paolo Bizzeti. There were important gaps, such as that of Fr. Paolo Pugliese and Sr. Diba and some justified absents ... but at the same time new energies arrived: Fr Dariush, "fidei donum" of the diocese of Poznan (Poland) and appointed pastor of Iskenderun; Fr Franco, an Italian Salesian, who will be based in Iskenderun and will travel to follow the numerous faithful speaking Persian in Turkey; Sr. Nazareth and Sr. Maria (Argentina) who have been in the Trabzon parish for just over a month and will begin intensive Turkish training on the spot. These meetings are always important verification and programming deadlines. 8 November. Small German group (10) with a Lutheran "shepherdess" (blond lady in the middle) ... In 2019 in Antioch, like in Turkey, the great absentees were the Germans! 9 November. Filipino group (14) without a priest. 11 November. In the city sports hall Prefect Rahmi Doğan with his wife Gülden Gülüzar Doğan attended the birth celebration of Muhammad, the Muslim Christmas, and dedicated to the Family. All the religious leaders among the guests ... 12 November. After a break of a few days, the French pilgrim to Jerusalem Marie Martell starts again. Arrived in Turkey, she travelled by bus. She returned to Konya because there was a Swiss pilgrim and she joined her to continue on foot to Mersin - Cyprus and Haifa ... 15 November. The new mosque opened on the campus of the Mustafa Kemal Ataturk University in Antioch with over 40,000 students. With the basement, 7000 people will be able to pray at the same time ... 16 November. Mrs. Maria Kin Ko, a guest in our guesthouse, for health reasons, leaves in advance for Taiwan. We often needed good Chinese food, having run some Chinese restaurants in the USA for 24 years! 17 November. At the beginning of the month, the French painter who has lived in Cappadocia for 30 years, Florence Breuillac, came to pick up our old manger in wooden statues over a century to restore it. It will be ready for next Christmas. 24 November. To Daphne we conclude the “convivance” of two days of beginning of the year for the neocatechumenal communities of Antioch. It was mainly for those who had not participated in that of Sile in Istanbul the month of October. There were 23 of us with 5 children and their assistant. - After Sunday Mass we celebrate Lidia's birthday, which came for the occasion from Mersin. Unfortunately the twin Kristofer, a university student from Smyrna, could not be present. 25 Novembre. World day against violence against women. Also in Turkey it is a non-indifferent problem and solutions are sought. In the first 10 months of 2019, 390 women were killed! Only in October 36 ... Impressive figures! 27 November. A group from Singapore comes to celebrate in our church (22). The priest, P. Marc, lives in the USA. 30 November. We had a very nice month and lots of Turkish visitors more and more interested in visiting our church with its splendid garden and the ripening citrus fruits.